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Wargames and business in 2025 – Predictions
While global trade is forecast to grow in 2025, globalisation remains under threat as geopolitical competition drives the fragmentation of financial systems and supply chains,

First Interview Fears
Being called for a first interview is an exciting prospect, but it’s also one that is stressful. Here are some tips to help you overcome

Hire the right people
For a small business, hiring the right people is essential. A poorly done job can mean the loss of business you can’t afford to lose;

Sales strategy
A sales strategy is a process or a plan to achieve sales goals. Sales strategies are often based on the marketing strategy, but sometimes they will be

The impact of the economy after the Russian invasion
Conflict in Ukraine has negatively changed the global economy in less than a month. Just 30 days ago, before the war started, the Russian economy

Collaboration with a family business can be a very rewarding experience and even destructive.
Serving on any board of directors or to cooperate with is hard, but in a family-owned business, it’s even harder. Unlike their private-company counterparts, which

Sale Tips For 2022
LinkedIn currently has 722 million members and that number keeps growing every year. The easiest way to ensure your social selling on LinkedIn will be

Cheap Staff is not Always Good Staff
The good staff always is Updated with the current job/industry Trying to improve their self’s They have experience Qualifications Following the Procedures Is adaptable to

After sales in Hotel Industry by George Nolas
Customer relations must be present in all stages of a hotel, including after-sales. Valuing and being attentive to consumers is key so they’ll purchase hotel